Happily Ever After
By Alex White
- One minute read - 199 wordsRomance stories have one primary rule. They will end up 'happy ever after', even if the characters can be tormented along thte way. This game provides the tools to allow 3-5 people to enjoy collaboratively telling a set of romance stories.
Each of you chooses the setting for your game, which gives a general approach and some suggested names and locations for your stories and the key trope which you want to explore. Then you create your protagonist, considering their wounds and wants. Wounds are things in the protagonists past which cause problems for them. Wants are the desires that the protagonist wants out of life.
You then have to sort out your paramour (the love interest) and your trouble (what is going to cause difficulties in the story). You pass the paramour to the player on your left, and the trouble to the player on your right. So during the game each person is participating in three stories - their own as the protagonist, another persons as their paramour, and the third player as their trouble.
Seven chapters of play take you through introductions, a meet-cute, attraction, complications, first kiss, catastrophe, and finally resoultion... and Happily Ever After.