Interviewing Josh Fox
Josh finds Sci-Fi settings mysterious and exciting, and is adding an investigative Sci-Fi game to his game lineup!
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Tail-End Charlie Playtest pt 1
This is a playtest run through of Tail-End Charlie. The story of Albert Green, the first downtime and mission.
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Tail-End Charlie
It's strange how sometimes you can be working on one or two things and then suddenly a new idea comes and elbows it's way to the front of the queue.
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Interviewing Tanya Floaker
Tanya loves creating games which evoke specific emotions or moods. Currently working on Mum Chums!
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Interviewing Daniel Copper
Daniel is an emerging designer in the UK, with two full games out and several more in development. Read to find out more!
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Interviewing Tejas Oza
Tejas is in on the journey of bringing his home game to a wider market, with a feel unlike any other. Would you believe platypus people?
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Interviewing Craig Duffy
Craig has a special interest in Cold War and sci-fi genres, and is wonderfully open about his experiences with exhibiting at conventions.
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Stories from The Between RPG
Continuing playing The Between. In which the mystery of the St James's Street Ghost starts, while Sally No-Face draws towards a close.
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Interviewing Josh Blincow
Josh is an illustrator and game designer from the Midlands who is keen that art communicates ideas and produces culture. And games are art!
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Long Road to Utopia - typeface choices
Thinking about typefaces suitable for my post-apocalypse search for Utopia.
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Interviewing Lyme
Lyme is my first interviewee from the USA, and he enjoys creating and running horror games
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